Support and resources
If you or someone you know is experiencing a TBI, you can find support and information from a number of organisations.
Support services in New Zealand
Find out where you can get support from organisations and services in New Zealand.
Community support organisations in New Zealand
- Headway Auckland
- Brain Injury Waikato
- Northland Brain Injury Association
- Brain Injury Hawke's Bay
- Nelson Brain Injury Association
Concussion/brain injury services in New Zealand
If you experience a brain injury or concussion – or are not sure if you have or not – it's important to seek medical attention as soon as you can.
Symptoms following a mild brain injury such as a concussion usually resolve within 10 to 14 days.
If you continue to experience symptoms there are specialist services that can help and advise you.
For ACC cover you will need to get your doctor (GP) to refer you to a concussion clinic. To access a concussion clinic you must have:
- Had an injury within the last 12 months
- Have an accepted current ACC claim
- Been diagnosed with a mild or moderate brain injury
- Been experiencing continued signs and symptoms that are impacting on how you function in daily life
If you want a private consultation you can contact a local concussion clinic directly to make an appointment.
Got a query or concern about an ACC claim?
Online and other resources
Find useful videos, fact sheets and other resources for people living with or interested in traumatic brain injuries.
- TBI resources on MSKTC website
- TBI resources on Brain Injury NZ website
- Brain Injury Screening Tool (BIST) for health professionals
- CrashCourse concussion education products (TeachAids website)
- Concussion Alliance
- Concussion management and return to learn (Video)
Perspectives from people living with TBI
This poem was written by a research participant and describes her experiences living with TBI.
- Download poem by L Tagg
- Recovering and living life after TBI The TBI Experiences website describes the stories and common themes identified in a research study about what it is like to recover from a traumatic brain injury
Use the screening tool
The Brain Injury Screening Tool (BIST) helps you assess and manage suspected brain injury in people over 8 years old and takes about 6 minutes to complete.
Public statement: repeated concussions in sport
We’ve put together a public statement with a number of experts from across New Zealand to summarise the evidence in regard to long-term impacts from repeated concussions in sport. Read the full statement below.